Very Cheapest UK Car Insurance

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A quick way to save money on car insurance

You want cheaper insurance? Then ask for it!

The old days of Retail Price Maintenance, when prices were fixed and legally enforceable, have gone and now everything is negotiable. Many people forget that when dealing with their insurers though.

When your car insurance premium falls due and you think it"s too high, do you simply pay it anyway, or go off to the price comparison sites to try to find a cheaper alternative? Or do you take the middle way, pick the phone up and speak to a salesperson at your current insurer, explain that you are thinking of moving elsewhere because the premium is too high, and can they please offer you a better deal? Insurance is a highly competitive market and once insurers have attracted their clients they want to hold onto them. Many salespeople have considerable leeway to negotiate about premiums and you will very often find that your current insurer would prefer to accept a lower one rather than lose you to a competitor. It should only take you a few minutes but could save you a great deal of money, as I can confirm from personal experience!

That five minute chat could save you a great deal of time, and money.

If you get nowhere then there are still price comparison websites you can go to. However, they will not necessarily find you the cheapest possible price. All of these companies get paid by insurers in one way or another, either by providing the insurers with sales leads or by commission on sales. What they get varies from one price comparison site to another and one insurer to another but either way insurance companies pay them for introducing you to them.

Why should they get this money and not you? An excellent tactic is to use a comparison site to get quotations and then ring up the insurance companies that have provided the cheapest quotes, explain that you are shopping around for a good price and ask them to provide their best possible deal, using those original quotations as a starting point. Very often they can do so and savings may be considerable.

Do bear in mind that you need to compare like with like; some price comparison engines include as standard such extras as legal representation, courtesy cars etc. These can add quite considerable amounts to a basic policy so if you do not particularly want them you can use them as a negotiating point when talking to the insurers to reduce your premium still further.

Do also bear in mind of course that if you negotiate a good discount this year the premium may well rise considerably next year! Be aware of this and do not fall into the trap of allowing the insurer to automatically renew the policy; by then there may well be another company willing to offer you a better deal.

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Our opening times are: Monday to Thursday, 9.00am to 6.00pm; Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm; Saturday 9.00am to 12.00pm. Closed Sundays.

Telephoned quotations are provided by Alternative Insurance Brokers, of Anglia House Carrs Road, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 2LA, registered in England No 8253536. Alternative Insurance Brokers is a trading name of Alternative Propositions Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 602443.

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